25 May 2008

Tunic E971 - 2nd Step

I was away in trainning for the whole week out the country. Meanwhile, and before I left, I managed to sew the side seams. When I sewn the upper part with the lower part, I got the feeling that it had too much fabric. It seemed that I was 30 months pregnant... And as I'm not a very elegant person, it make me look fat.
So, I cut fabric on the side on the front part. Thus, it only be large in the back. In the front not so much. The photo was taken already with the side seams. I wanted to finish the tunic before I went on this trip, as I wanted to take it. But I had not time.
I had to leave the house prepared for my son and husband. I had to pack. And this week-end I did nothing. I was too tired from the trip.
All I have to do is to sew the sleeves.

10 May 2008


Today, and once again taking advantage of my son's nap, i wne to my sewing stuff. First I sewn the other blouse. I have to iron and then I post here the final result.
Then I start doing the dots blouse. In this BLOG I learnt an easy and effective way so that the seams get simetrical. As the fabric is light I used a darker thread. And it worked! I made parte of the upper part. In the instructions it says to do the lining with the same fabric, but as I did not have anymore fabric, I did it with a white fabric and the so called bias neckline. And it turned out good. Then I sewn the shoulders part.
And with much more calm I did another flower. This time, smaller. But I thing the problem is the button which goes into the middle. I think it's too small. It will be placed like this.

9 May 2008

Another Project

As for sewing with the machine, I prefer having natural light, and I can only do that on the week-ends. That's when I'm at home during the day, last night after put the little one to sleep, I decided to do something with a new project.
I found these two fabrics and I thought: "why not?"

So, I assemble my iron board and I iron tham and start placing the pattern. The chosen garent is the tunic E971 from Burda Mode. The patterns can be free downloaded and the instructions come in English. Her is a photo of the tunic and the techincal drawing. I chose to do the B model, as for me is the simpler one and has sleeves. My arms are not slim and they look good with sleeves.

So, my idea was to do the tunic with the white fabric with dark blue dots with a shorter lenght, by the hip area. Ten finish it with the darker blue fabric with white dots and also put it in the sleeves. And I was also thinking of making an application. I thought of this flower that I saw at one of the tutorials of Burda Style. I love it! Well... one thing is to love and thinking of doing it, the other thing is do it well. I will forgive the fact that I did it last night and I was tired. It got like this. A pretty good mess (to say the least...).

Saturday I will sew the other blouse, start basting this one and try to do another flower, wiht more light and calm.

2 May 2008


It is really obvious that I'm a rookie in these type of things. But i'm not going to give up so easily.

After I sewn all the blouse, I talked with my mother. She has also a sewing machine and more experience than I do. About 30 years ago, buying clothes was a luxury. And plus we were twins, so every garment had to be double.
So, she would buy the fabrics and Burda magazines and she would do our clothes. (my sister and mine).

So, just to say that on the phone she was talking about the armholes and the neckline and that I had to do the bias hem... or whatever that means...
Saturday, she was here at my house, for my son's 3rd birthday. I showed her the blouse.
She asked me: "do you want me to fix it?"
And I replied: "No, I want to do it on my own. If I wanted it for you to do it, I would give you the fabric. I want to learn how to do this."
I understand that I'm going to have a lot of setbacks along the way, and the the first experiences will look like high-school craft classes, but I believe that after a couple of setbacks, I will get it and start doing some nice blouses for me.
She then explained me how I had to sew the blouse. The neckline turning out was not good. She taught me how to do the bias hem. Understood!
Yesterday, I took the holiday and while my son was taking his nap, I did it. It is already basted. Now there is only missing the armholes.
My will to do this right is a lot... Really a lot...