13 Apr 2008


I confess that I'm not a very patiente person. I want things done very quickly and when that doesn't happen, I loose my patience and I get frustrated.
That what happened when I decided to assemble the sewing machine to start sewing the top.
Here it is, the "crime weapon". I was not able to do the side openings at first, and it got really messy. Took a deep breath and undid it and did it again. It didn't get perfect, but so and so. I have sewn all the blouse and, even so, I have to do some final touches. Some stitches that were missing. As soon as I have the top really finished and ironed, I will take some photos and post it here.
Here the little one got tired of watching cartoons and decided to make me company.

10 Apr 2008


Last night, after I put my son into bed, I thought: "Or I am going to bed and tomorrow I will spend my day thinking what I could have done today, or I will do it!"
And of course, I chose the second option.
I sat on the sofa and with careful, I baste the armholes and the neckline of the top. I folded into two and pin it. Then I basted it.

As it is the first time I go into this kind of adventures, some parte got pulled, but I will try not leavr that way, when I sew.
Tonight, after I put my son into bed, if I have the patience, I will assemble my sewing machine and do it.

Or else, I'll do it Saturday, with the natural light. We'll see.
Her it is. The blouse basted. It may turned out very handmade, but I'm happy with the overall.

6 Apr 2008

New Project

I have decided to put the Tara top away. It's too soon to go into complicated projects. I have decided to start with the basic. A sleveless t-shirt.
I download the patterns from Burda Style for a simple sweater. Well, for some reason, they have it at the categiry BASIC. It's because it's really too simple.

My idea, at first, was to do a basic t-shirt with short sleeve. I woul grab a peace of an old sheet and do it. If it went wrong, I wouldn't ruined any good fabric.
But after taking a look into the old scraps that I had, I thought that I would go for a sleeveless t-shirt. Not bad. While I was cutting the fabric, I decided, with a ruler to do a V-neckline. Thus, I could wear it with white lycra tops underneath. I cut the fabric, baste it and tried it on.

After I tried, I noticed that I had to press the fabric in the breast area, so that it could be more fitted. I also noticed that I can do some side openings, as the length is perfect for a tunic.
Let's see how it goes.