10 Apr 2008


Last night, after I put my son into bed, I thought: "Or I am going to bed and tomorrow I will spend my day thinking what I could have done today, or I will do it!"
And of course, I chose the second option.
I sat on the sofa and with careful, I baste the armholes and the neckline of the top. I folded into two and pin it. Then I basted it.

As it is the first time I go into this kind of adventures, some parte got pulled, but I will try not leavr that way, when I sew.
Tonight, after I put my son into bed, if I have the patience, I will assemble my sewing machine and do it.

Or else, I'll do it Saturday, with the natural light. We'll see.
Her it is. The blouse basted. It may turned out very handmade, but I'm happy with the overall.

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