31 Jan 2009

Embroidered Knot Top Burda Fashion

Mistery revealed!
The butterfly embroidered on a top. The pattern used is the one in the website of Burda Fashion.
I made one similar a few months ago, and offered it to my sister.
The fabric I bought in Feira dos Tecidos. It was inside of one of those boxes with scrap fabrics and it cost me only €2,50.
It's a kind of silk very heavy. It wasn't easy to work with this fabric, first because it was a scrap and I had to work it to get the pattern right. And it was also slippery.
The neckline is a bit big, I guess... mas I have big "boobs"... However, the husband loved it...

I used again Tany's instructions that she sent me then to do the other top and, once again they were valuable.
Also, this time I put lining backwards as I saw in the blog "El Bau de las Costureras" (excelent tutorial!).
The hem I sewed in black thread with zig-zag stitch to look good with the black in the butterfly.
It can be used in a formal way, with black pants.
Or casual, with jeans and a black lycra top underneath.
Here the clivage gets more discreat...

I loved making this model and I loved how it tuned out!

26 Jan 2009

One more embroidery

I've made another embroidery.
I chose this butterfly.

The drawing I took it from Needlecrafter.
It has a lot which are free.

And I made all inblack in a pink satin fabric.

I'm not saying yet what I'll do with it, because I still don't know if it's going to work.


Does someone knows, in the area of Lisbon, where can I get a scissor that cut the fabric in zig-zag?
Unfortunetaly, I bought one last week, and when I got home I realised that it only cut paper...

24 Jan 2009

Shirt Burda Style - progress

Very slow progress.
It's not being easy. The fabric is too dark and it's being very dificult to work with it.
I decided that after I mark it with the thread, I have to mark the pattern with chalk, so that I can see it better.

And I've been marking not the wrong side of the fabric, but the right side of the fabric. Thus, when I put right side with right side I align the lines.
Like this:

And also... I have a feeling that the shirt is too large. So that's why I haven't sewed anything yet. It's all basted.
When I have all the shirt basted, I'll try it on and ask someone else to fix it.

12 Jan 2009

Embroidered Pouch

As woman as I am, I have a plastic pouch to keep all the "papers" that I have together in my purse.
This plastic pouch I brought it from my previous job, and it already needed a replacement. I decided to do one in fabric. I used a not very thick denim and I embroidered a flower.
Here it is.

Detail of the embroidery. I found the drawing in the web, on this site.

Here is the drawing.
Close it, I put a velcro tape.

And inside, as lining, I used leftovers of the fabric that I used to do the tunic of BOWF.

Here's the inside with the "paper junk" inside it.

It was a simples and easy project to do. As the weekend was very tiring, and I was with a terrible headache, I decided to do a simple thing.

8 Jan 2009

Embroidered Top

I put the shirt aside to do only on weekends. As it is my first shirt, I decided to do it with natural light and with no stress.
At the same time, and with a huge amount of white fabric that my mother gave me, I decided to do an experience: to embroider a top.
The model I already know what it was. I would use the pattern of the top which I made the summer pijama. This one, which is on the website of Burda Style. Unfortunately, the download is no longer free, (but I'll post about it some other time).

On the other hand, I'm glad I saved on my computer the pattern.

It was a model that I enjoyed doing, very easy to do. I decided that instead of the straps, I was going to put sleeves. I got inspired from the idea of a member of the website Burda Style, who made a Summer top our of this top, as you can see here.
The choice of the drawing wasn't easy. I went google and wrote "embroidery patterns". They were so many. But I lost myself over this one. Simple and pretty.
The original drawing is on this blog: Sweet William. Her name is Paula Mills, australian, her sister is an illustrator, and she got one of her sister's designs and emboidered it on canvas.
This one here.

I printed on paper.

Then I passed into a silk paper.

Afterwards I passed into the fabric.

I put it on the hoop and started to embroider!

And here is the result (with flash)

(without flash)

Details of the embroidery (in some flowers I've put beads)

Now, I only have to do is sew the blouse.