31 Jan 2009

Embroidered Knot Top Burda Fashion

Mistery revealed!
The butterfly embroidered on a top. The pattern used is the one in the website of Burda Fashion.
I made one similar a few months ago, and offered it to my sister.
The fabric I bought in Feira dos Tecidos. It was inside of one of those boxes with scrap fabrics and it cost me only €2,50.
It's a kind of silk very heavy. It wasn't easy to work with this fabric, first because it was a scrap and I had to work it to get the pattern right. And it was also slippery.
The neckline is a bit big, I guess... mas I have big "boobs"... However, the husband loved it...

I used again Tany's instructions that she sent me then to do the other top and, once again they were valuable.
Also, this time I put lining backwards as I saw in the blog "El Bau de las Costureras" (excelent tutorial!).
The hem I sewed in black thread with zig-zag stitch to look good with the black in the butterfly.
It can be used in a formal way, with black pants.
Or casual, with jeans and a black lycra top underneath.
Here the clivage gets more discreat...

I loved making this model and I loved how it tuned out!

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