12 Jan 2009

Embroidered Pouch

As woman as I am, I have a plastic pouch to keep all the "papers" that I have together in my purse.
This plastic pouch I brought it from my previous job, and it already needed a replacement. I decided to do one in fabric. I used a not very thick denim and I embroidered a flower.
Here it is.

Detail of the embroidery. I found the drawing in the web, on this site.

Here is the drawing.
Close it, I put a velcro tape.

And inside, as lining, I used leftovers of the fabric that I used to do the tunic of BOWF.

Here's the inside with the "paper junk" inside it.

It was a simples and easy project to do. As the weekend was very tiring, and I was with a terrible headache, I decided to do a simple thing.

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