19 Jun 2008


I have just entered the blog universe of sewing and I have been already challenged.

Ana Carina has challenged me, in order to know me better.
Here we go.

What was I doing 10 years ago?
I was finishing university. I was going to have my deserved vacations and start my adventure in the working market.

Five things on my to do list:
One of them is taking my driving license (it has to be this year, for sure), the other is taking my son to Eurodisney, loose weight (one day maybe), and mainly be happy.

Food I like:
Hummmm. Don't even remind me. Snails, shrimps, etc.

Things I would do if I were a multimilionaire:
I would buy a bigger house in the center of Lisbon, my city. I would have couple of children. Travel with my son and husband. I probably would give something to my family. And maybe I would do a plastic to take the excess.

Places I lived:
As my dad was a pilot in the Air Force, he was place in several Air Force bases. When I was born we lived in Vieria de Leiria, near the base of Monterreal. Then when I was 1 year an half, we moved to Madeira until I was 2 years old. After we moved to the Azores. When I was 4 years old, we moved to Lisbon, where I lived until I bought my home with my husbanda, at the time my boyfrined, in Lisbon's surroundings.

Jobs I had:
When I finished university, I worked as a Secretary in a Lawyer's Office for 2 years and an half. Then I work for 6 years in a fashion company, as a Customer Assistante, being my Clients the owners of the stores of a Lingerie brand. For more than 6 months I've been working as Retail Assistante of one of the most known sports brand. And I love what I do!

I hope you enjoyed knowing me better.

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