11 Apr 2009

Work in progress

I'm not missing.

At this moment I have 2 projects in hands, which are not finished.

The first one is blouse Jennifer 6018 of Burda Style.

I've already cut the fabric, sewed the sleeves and sewed and the side stitches and the shoulders. I've only have to sew the difficult part: the sleeves.
It's like this at this moment.
Doesn't look very nice, but I think after finished it look prettier.
I didn't put the pleated part. Maybe it will have a big neckline. I have to wear a strap top underneath.
Oh, and I'm going to do a short sleeve.

the other one is the a tunic based on another Burda Style pattern, the dress Anda 7969.
I decided to ttry this pattern, as it seems very simple to do.

As it is an experiment, I'm using an old white cotton fabric. The changes to the original pattern are:
- it will be a tunic instead of a dress.
- I'll do a V neckline
- in the waist are I'll do a shirring.

Oh, and I'm embroidering it. So that it won't be too white.

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