11 Dec 2008

Special Request

Talking to a colleague of mine, she told me that her son must go disguised as a Xmas tree to the Xmas party at his kindergarden.

I tolde her that she could pust him some brown pants and a green sweater. But then I also suggest that she bought some fabric and made the suit.
When I noticed I told her that I would do the Xmas Tree suit for her son. She was very happy.
As a coincidence, our sons have the same age and... the same name!
I tolde her that I would use my son as a molde, as they have the same height.
With the help of the web and computer, I made a draft of possible Xmas tress.
I think I'll do the one on the left, as I think it's more simple.

Then I reasearched on the internet in "Xmas Tree Costume" and I got these images. they have already gave some ideas.

The deadline is December 19th. I'll do everything I can to make it this week-end.
I confess that I'm a bit nervous. It's a big responsability to do something else to another person, as it's my first project without any patterns.

But I believe that a trinagule will not be hard...

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