14 Dec 2008

Xmas Tree Costume - 1

Yesterday I managed to do a lot in the Xmas tree costume, and it's being easier than I expected. I used a large sweater which belongs to my son (Ana's sugestion).

I got a sheet of newspaper and placed underneath the sweater. I did the pattern.

With the help of a ruler I made the triangles/point.

I left the pattern longer than the sweater.

This is the fabric that my colleague gave me. It's a very heavy and thick fabric. It seems those fabric normally used on sofas and chairs. But it will do perfectly.

I folded the fabric and placed the pattern on it. And then I marked the pattern.

I bought golden wrapped ribbon made of fabric in the supermarket. As it was very wide, I decided to cut in half so that I could have enough for the back.

The balls I took a piece of carton. You can use the carton of the cereal boxes. I draw the circle in the fabric that I wanted.

The fabrics that I used was the red fabric of which I made the knoted top. The backwards is completely red. The other fabric is the one that I used to make the scarf to place inside the shoe box.

Then I place the ribbons and the balls on the fabric.

Yesterday I've sewn all the front part and the ribbons of the back. I think I'll finish it today.

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