22 Mar 2009

Embroidered Blouse Patrones - Finished!

I finished the blouse and I'm very happy!

I can't say it was easy. It was a very hard-working blouse, but it was worth it.

The pleating and the embroidery give for sure a new look to the blouse.

I think it is beautiful!

I like the length, I decided not to do a hem. I just sew a baby zig-zag stitch and it turned out good.

The hardest part were the sleeves and the neckline. As I wasn't going to place and elastic, the neckline got too large, so I had to do an extra pleat in the sleeves.

I place one bias ribbon to knot in the back, so that it could accentuate the waist.

The fabric is fresh and it's great for the summer.

I like the final result.

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