29 Mar 2009

And for the son...

As the skirt took very little time, I made some shorts for my son.

They were really easy to make.

I took the tutorial of another blog: Made by Petchy who teaches how to do a shorts/pants for a child in 10 minutes.

Well... I took longer than 10 minutes. Maybe 30 minutes.

I made without any pattern, just used another shorts as a pattern.

As the fabric is no elastic, I thinl it got to small around the hips. But now I know that iin future shorts I'll make wider around the waist.

The octopus embroidery was taken from the blog BadBird of Andrea Zuill, who make amazing desings to embroider.

I tried to take a decent photo of the little guy wearing the shorts, but he just simply would not stay quiet.

But he loved them and didn't want to take them off. I had to tell him that the would wear them when it's hotter.

However, he already made me some orders. Now he wants another shorts with Mickey and Goofy...

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