31 Dec 2008
Happy New Year 2009!

24 Dec 2008
23 Dec 2008
Next Project - Shirt Burda Style

I decided to do it, mainly because it doesn't have the usual collar of the shirts. I also decided not to do with the ruffles in the front. I'm not a big fan of ruffles.
19 Dec 2008
Talking about Xmas
When I bought my house 6 years, I started doing it. It took me a long time to do it. And curiously, it was the reason why I bought my sewing machine.
I wanted to do everything: the cross-stitch and the hem. And so it was.
Every year during the holidays I put it on my diner table.
15 Dec 2008
Xmas Tree Costume - Finished!
It was a challenge, but it was overcome. I confess it was less hardworking than the other projects that I have done.
In order that the points look stiff and straight, I put pillow stuffing in it.
After the nap, we convencied the boy to try the suit, to see how it looks. (unfortunately, we couldn't take his pacifier off for the picture...)
Today I already brought the costume to my colleague. She loved it.
She said that the fact that I offer myself to do, was fantastic enough. I was very happy that I've done this costume. And mainly, because it resulted ok.
14 Dec 2008
Xmas Tree Costume - 1

This is the fabric that my colleague gave me. It's a very heavy and thick fabric. It seems those fabric normally used on sofas and chairs. But it will do perfectly.

I bought golden wrapped ribbon made of fabric in the supermarket. As it was very wide, I decided to cut in half so that I could have enough for the back.

The balls I took a piece of carton. You can use the carton of the cereal boxes. I draw the circle in the fabric that I wanted.
11 Dec 2008
Special Request
I tolde her that she could pust him some brown pants and a green sweater. But then I also suggest that she bought some fabric and made the suit.
Then I reasearched on the internet in "Xmas Tree Costume" and I got these images. they have already gave some ideas.
The deadline is December 19th. I'll do everything I can to make it this week-end.
I confess that I'm a bit nervous. It's a big responsability to do something else to another person, as it's my first project without any patterns.
But I believe that a trinagule will not be hard...
6 Dec 2008
Blouse Kookai Patrones Finished!

And I'm so happy. It fits perfectly and, the best, I managed to make a blouse with sleeves!

I definately will repeat this model again in another fabric!
30 Nov 2008
Xmas Advent Finished
But, this year it's the best I can do. Maybe next I'll do another one with more careful, with fabric bought specially for it.
And here are the 25 gifts that my son will find each December day until 25th day, Xmas Day.
Chocolate balls bought at Pingo Doce.
Embroidered ornaments made by me.
Pencil case and smarties bought at Intermaché.
And a pack with 5 toy cars bought at Intermarché, only € 3,95 the pack!
And here is my First Advent already with the gifts inside the pockets.

25 Nov 2008
To put inside the Advent
I inspired on drawings and ideas taken form these sites and blogs:
This week-end I have been sewing all the squares/pockets in the advent. It was very difficult. It was a lot of fabric and a lot of squares. It was not perfect, but I'm happy with the result.
I'm not posting any photos yet finished, as we are still trying to find a way to hang it on the wall.
I will post photos hanged and completely filled.
19 Nov 2008
Xmas Advent - part 2
The numbers I found them on the web. I google it and wrote "number to color" or "coloring numbers". I chose those which had few curves and that were simpler to pass into the seethrough paper and afterwards to the fabric.
As a base fabric, I'll use "sarapilheira" that I had at home. My husband suggested that I place the squares in a tree shape, to give a Xmas look...
The next step will be to sew behind a thick fabric and the squares on the sides and bottom, so that they will be placed as pockets.
We will fill the pockets with small ornaments to afterwards put in our Xmas tree, chocolats and gifts.
I was thinking in closing the pockets or with buttons or with velcro tape. I still have to figure out which will be more practical.
As for now, the "pockets" are placed like this only with pins.

16 Nov 2008
Tunic 108 BWOF 07/2008 Finished!

As I already had mentioned, I had to open on the side seams so that it wouldn't press my hip. I think that the lenght went ok also. If I like, I can wear it over my bikini when I go to the beach.

If you click on the image above, you can see the detail of the beading. Some were lost on the way, as they were too close to the sewing seams. The needle got stuck. But most of it stayed.

And this is the detail of the armholes and the open side seams. I stitched with red thread. I put red thread on the bobin to give the out look.
I enjoyed a lot. But I don't know if I'll do it again. The neckline part was a bit confusing and hardworking.
I would like to thank ANA who send me the spanish instructions and that helped me a lot!
And also I would like to thank Geri that in her blog Sewable did the same dress of this tunic and with her instructions, I managed to do the finishes of the tunic.
11 Nov 2008
Shoe Box Finished!
9 Nov 2008
Scarf - Solidary Xmas
So, today I made this scarf to put also inside the shoe box. I got some leftovers of flanel and the fabric thar I made a sheep suit for my son last year.
It's reversible and very warm. And it's for a good cause. The box is not yet finished, but it does, I'll post here photos.
Also I finished the tunic today! I washed it and it's still not dry. Whe it does, I'll iron and take some pictures.
6 Nov 2008
Craft Project
With a xmas smell.
Wiht 25 squares of fabric.
And it's for my son.
Limit date: November 30th.
4 Nov 2008
The tunic is almost finished

3 Nov 2008
Fixing - Part II
And so, I transformed this:
I think it's now much better!
1 Nov 2008
More Fabrics!

I decided to "dive" literally on those boxes of stashes, where the meter is around €1,70 and €2,50. The truth is that I'm making summer blouses and the fabrics that they have there are mostly winter. First I chose about 8 pieces of stash, but in the end it was more than I could afford. I had to make a selection, and I brought these. They were my favorites.

I confess that when I chose them I didn't had any model on my mind. I still don't know what I'm going to do with them. But I know that sooner or later I'll come up with something.
The truth and the good news are that with 10 euro I brought fabric enough to make 3 or more blouses. And I know that if I went to a store to buy, I wouldn't spend less than 15 or 20 euro in one single blouse. In a crisis time, there has to be alternatives...
In a few months I'll go back there to see if I can find more fabric.
25 Oct 2008

It is being a very slow process, as I am with some doubts and I really want this to work out. The isntructions come in french, which doesn't help. Since university that I don't speak french (about 10 years ago...).
The advantage that I have is that this model is similar to the one I did few moths ago. I decided to start little by little, and I had an idea to embelish the tunic. To place red beads in the red parts of the fabric. I started yesterday and finished today. I decided that I'm going to place them only in the upper part of the front piece.
The inside parte is like this. I knoted the threads so that the beads don't fall.And I iron the interfacing in the inside.
I'm not sure if I'll finish it during this week-end. But I hope give a good ahead.
With no rush. It will be only to wear next Summer...
18 Oct 2008
The book belonged to my grandmother (who used to make clothes to sell) and when my mother started to make clothes for us, my grandmother gave her the book. As you can see, it is a bit old on the outside.
But even so, it is intact on the inside. Yesterday I was thrilled watching the images! I remember when I was a kid and finding so funny the "dolls" inside.
I know I will use it a lot and that it will be very useful for me.
Thanks mommy!
14 Oct 2008
Stores Imaginarium - Xmas Solidary
Stores Imaginarium together with Fundação Antena3- Onda Cero and Mensajeros de la Paz have lauched this campaign to collect and distribute Xmas gifts... inside shoe boxes.
What we have to do is get a shoe box and together with our kids decorate it and then place in it whatever we want. In their website they give ideas for the gifts.
I will get a shoe box of the brand whre I work, and together with my son, we will decorate it. the reason for this post is because we will use fabric stash to decorate the box. I have already some ideas...
I will later post here pics of our work.
More informations here.
13 Oct 2008
Next Project - Doubt
There was when the doubt came. Yesterday morning I was taking the patterns from 2 models, onde from Patrones and one from BWOF.
But I still don't know which one I'll do first.
The first one is tunic 108-BWOF 07/2008. I loved the model, I loved the pattern. Simple, but very pretty. I was going to do it without the pockets. I think it's early to do anything with pockets.

The chosen fabric is this one.
The other model I chose is the blouse Kookai from the magazine Patrones-07/2008. In the picture you don't see, but it's the blouse underneath the corset. While I was seeing the magazine, I didn't even noticed it. I only saw it when I was checking all the technical drawings, and I saw that it was very simple to do.
The chosen fabric is the same "english embroidery" one that I used to do the top of the pijama. I love this fabric and I think it will be lovely in this blouse.
Now I only have to decide which one I will do first...