14 Oct 2008

Stores Imaginarium - Xmas Solidary

Here is a fun thing to do. Get a shoe box, decorate it, fille it with small gifts and give it to children in need.
Stores Imaginarium together with Fundação Antena3- Onda Cero and Mensajeros de la Paz have lauched this campaign to collect and distribute Xmas gifts... inside shoe boxes.

What we have to do is get a shoe box and together with our kids decorate it and then place in it whatever we want. In their website they give ideas for the gifts.

I will get a shoe box of the brand whre I work, and together with my son, we will decorate it. the reason for this post is because we will use fabric stash to decorate the box. I have already some ideas...

I will later post here pics of our work.
More informations

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